Your Business Does Not Need Tech Support, But a Tech Environment to Thrive – A Great Team, Relevant Tools & Right Timing



By Aleksandar    |     01 Aug 2022   |    Development Strategy    |    Views 666

Why is your product not generating a line round the block?

Why is your service not the next “IT” thing?

Why is your digital solution not irresistible?

It’s not just any of those things, and yet, it’s all of them and much more!

There are many more “why” that may be plaguing your business. After all, the ideation process was promising. You were solving a real problem, bridging a need gap, and fulfilling an existing want. Then what happened? Where’s the caveat?

Your solution is not there yet. The digital solution you have created is a piece or two away from being perfect. And we have found that missing piece.



At Vitec, we put our business on the line to reach our victory. We squashed our doubts and documented our journey. A journey that has now been turned into processes to bring you closer to your perfect digital solution.

We don’t just develop a product for you. We understand your ideation process, help build a concrete brief, launch your app, and support it to reach its full potential & beyond. We have found a method to the madness.


Rehauls are never easy. But, we knew that it had to be done. We were changing our value proposition, moving from a third-party service to an all-encompassing environment. We knew that is what our customers were looking for and we were obliged to comply. Our team came together to put a strategy in place, paying attention to the smaller details while not losing sight of the final vision.

As your new 360-degree partner, our team will spearhead your project and tackle all challenges from ideation to UX design to development to maintenance and continuous upgrades. Like we said, we are not just your tech support, we are your team. We offer deep customer understanding, and a delightfully creative team that enable us to create a breathtaking app for your users


Our 360o partner program is a work-in-progress, and always will be. Technology never stops evolving and neither will the program. So, our team is constantly making upgrades to keep the program in line with the current technology landscape.

In the same spirit, we time your projects and keep improving them. We brainstorm the best time to launch your app and update it at the right time, so that your competitors are always a step behind. Our continuous improvement strategy will make sure that your app “stays” awesome and relevant to your users even after weeks, months, and years of the launch.


We have access to the most modern tools and have developed our own to offer the best technology solutions for your digital products.

When we work with you, we bring in premium technical expertise. Our years of experience ensures that your team can use the latest tools to keep your digital solution on top of the competition.

We have also created educational content on idea refining, product development, customer strategy, and more, will bring you up to speed on everything you need to know about creating a massively successful digital product. And, we’ll work with you to make it happen!


Nurturing The Next Generation Of Million-Dollar Ideas

Breakthrough ideas aren’t born in a moment of inspiration; they develop over a long time of creative thinking interspersed by dormant problem-solving reflections in the background. They take several weeks, if not months, to be refined.

And so did the 360-degree partner program.

It was improved through zealous discussions with friends, family, colleagues, and just about everyone else who was ready to listen and offer constructive criticism. It’s these ideas, combined with our own, that gave birth to something genuinely useful to our core audience.

And so can your breakthrough idea.

Standing Out!

It’s not enough that our service was a pure need to consume in the eyes of the customers. If that’s all we offered them, then we would be replaced within a matter of weeks by a better service.

Our solution had to stand out – idea and needs must harmonize, vision and practice must match, and form and function should work together to inspire loyalty. In short, the experience had to align with their lifestyle, mindset, and evolving needs. And we did with our 360-degree partner program.

Customer in the Middle

And now the 360-degree process can do it for you – customer needs at the left, right, and center of your strategy.

functional needs

When your solution is in perfect sync with customer’s functional needs and emotional wants (even when they don’t know what they are), you are likely to go viral!

It’s critical that customers feel that both parties are pulling the same rope, and even more importantly, in the same direction. They should feel comfortable with the direction in which your solution (and maybe even your brand) is headed.

This is particularly true in the case of individual software products. It’s paramount that they feel that they have found a partner who can not only execute their ideas but also enrich them with their expertise, creativity, and personality. What they need is not a client-and-contractor relationship but a partnership that nurtures both parties.

Vitec GmbH is devoted to these values, and our website redesign initiative weaves them into every aspect of our client engagement.

Be Part Of Our Journey. It’s For You

We are going to make our website redesign journey with you. It’s you who fuels this journey – the new design will put your needs, your goals, and your success at the center of our product and service.

And with a new series of blog posts, we will take you on a journey through our website redesign initiative, our decision-making process, and give you an overview of how we evolved. We’ll raise the curtain, so you get to see what goes behind the scenes, how we add value to our service at each step (research, design, development, and continuous support), and how we transform a simple idea into something beautiful that our customers love. Because that’s precisely what we are doing to our website.

This series will be about how we transformed ourselves into your 360-degree partner as much as it is about how you can gear yourself for success in the digital world by choosing us as your mobile and web development partner.

In the next post, we’ll begin with your idea – the birth of something extraordinary!

#staytuned #360degreesdigitalpartner

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Aleksandar is a passionate digital marketeer with 6+ years experience in various industries. He finds the data & numbers are the way to market things, but also that words are the bridge between just a numbers and brand value, purpose and strategy brought to a user. Using the 5 'W' methodology in creating the content, he is adding 'a plus to a minus', creating simple, but informative blogs & case studies about latest trends in tech & digital indsutry.

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